Thursday, July 5, 2007

Here's to you, Mr. Kick a Flaming Terrorist in the Balls Guy

This guy kicked one of the Glasgow terrorists in the balls while the terrorist was on fire and trying to break into the airport. The British dude, a cab driver, kicked the terrorist so hard that he hurt his foot.

If nothing else excited ever happens to that guy, he's got something great to write on his tombstone.


erin said...

haha. that's funny.

Anonymous said...

I love the beer commercial reference ... I could almost hear the background singer adding commentary to the story

Rebecca said...

is he available???

Happy said...

The WSJ Weekend Edition noted that a fellow Scot started a website asking people to donate a few pounds if they would like to buy our hero a pint. Over nine thousand people have contributed!!!! Of course our hero’s response to the website offer…”I prefer Scotch.”

Melissa said...

i love it!